On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 5:46 PM, Sven Lafebre <s.lafe...@psu.edu> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I've been looking at state parks, state forests and state game lands
> in Pennsylvania. I think Adam Killian uploaded most of these a year or
> two ago—I don't know if he's on this mailing list.
> Most of these parks are tagged as physical areas. For example, state
> game lands are natural=wood and leisure=nature_reserve. Unfortunately,
> these tags don't always correspond to the actual land use. Moreover,
> they are really administrative entities, not physical ones. So I would
> like to change them to something similar to the scheme used for parks
> e.g. in the Bay Area:
> boundary=national_park
> admin_level=4
> park:type=state_game_land
> The underlying physical land use can then be mapped orthogonally to
> this.
> Are there any objections to this? Am I forgetting anything? Please let
> me know!

I'd probably toss in some ownership tag as well.
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