On Wed, 2010-03-24 at 20:46 -0400, Sven Lafebre wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've been looking at state parks, state forests and state game lands  
> in Pennsylvania. I think Adam Killian uploaded most of these a year or  
> two ago—I don't know if he's on this mailing list.

Hello.  I am still here.  The tags I used were just my best guess at the
time.  It won't hurt my feelings if you think you have a better tagging

Incidentally, I got most of the shapefiles from

I got unofficial confirmation from an employee at the Fish and Boat
Commission that this data was public domain.

I know some of the SGLs have fields in them which look like farms in the
satellite images, but really aren't.  They're just grown for the benefit
of the deer from what I understand.

I also read in the news recently that the Game Commission and DCNR
swapped some lands, so some State Forest Lands became State Game Lands
and vice-versa.  I don't know if this change has been reflected in the
state datasets yet.  I don't really have the time at the moment keep up
with these kinds of things.


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