On Mon, 19 Jul 2010 14:23:28 -0500, Alex Mauer wrote:

> On 07/19/2010 01:13 PM, Phil! Gold wrote:
>> The problem with using refs to render state shields is that it can be
>> difficult to get the right shield.  Some states use the state
>> abbreviation in the road reference (so Maryland route 26 is generally
>> written "MD 26"), but a bunch just use SR (so "SR 10" could be in
>> Alabama, California, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Maine, Nevada, Ohio,
>> Tennessee, Utah, Virginia, or Washington state route 10).  At least the
>> route relations have the state encoded specifically so the specific
>> shield can be used.  I think there's more than one that uses "SH", too,
>> and so on.
> The wiki says[1] that refs should include US:[two-letter state
> abbreviation].  That should make it pretty simple.

The wiki also says to use relations instead of ref= tags on the ways, 
though uptake on that has been slow.

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