On Sat, 31 Jul 2010, Kevin Atkinson wrote:

Since someone objected to my proposed changes to Salt Lake City, I am going to go ahead and give my proposal for how I think directional prefixes should be handled. I am going to stay out of the debate on street name abbreviations and focus on just the directional prefix/postfix parts. I want to come an agreement on talk-us, and then would like to make it an official standard (at least in the U.S.).


A full street address included more than just a Number and a Street, it also includes a directional prefix. Vid the kid, gave an excellent overview at http://vidthekid.info/misc/osm-abbr.html. For example (from his page) in the address:
 4242 S Champion Ave E
The 'S' is a directional prefix and the 'E' is the suffix and in:
 1337 Rainbow Dr SW
The 'SW' is a directional suffix (really a quadrant suffix).

I would like to formally propose two things

 1) An exception to the abbreviation rule for directional indicators
    with the fully expanded name going into "alt_name"
 2) New tags to record the presence of directional indicators in the


I propose an exception to the abbreviation rule be made for directional indicators. 'North, 'South', 'East', and 'West' when a directional indicator (and not part of the street name) shall be abbreviated 'N.', 'S.', 'E.', and 'W.' (with a period, will explain why below), and Northeast, Southeast, Northwest, Southwest shall be abbreviated as 'NW', 'SW', 'SE', and 'NW' (without any periods). The fully expanded name may be included in "alt_name".

Please note that when a street name included a number and a direction for example "700 South" I consider the direction part of the name and not a suffix, hence (for now) it should be abbreviated.
^^^ make that "should _not_ be abbreviated" sorry.


1) When a directional indicator is included as part of the street sign it is almost universally in smaller letters and hence of less importance. Abbreviating emphases this fact.

2) Unlike street name indications, the abbreviations for directions are fairly standard (with the exception of South sometimes being 'So' to avoid confusion with Street, but that is not used very much, and 'S' is never an accepted abbreviation for Street).

3) Spelling out the prefix can lead to ambiguous situations where it is unclear if the prefix is part of the street name (vid the kid gave several examples in his web page)

4) Single letter shall end with a period to avoid confusion with single letter street names (E Street) or route designators (County Route E, but I have no idea where that is used).

5) The fully expanded name may be included using the "alt_name" tag to aid those searching for an address.


I propose two new tags:

If the directional prefix is not part of the name than the appropriate tag shall be used to indicate the need for a directional prefix in an address. North, South, etc, shall be abbreviated as one of
 'N' 'S' 'E' 'W', 'NW' 'SW', 'NE', 'SE'
There is no need for a period here.

If it is included in the word "included" shall be used instead. This means the the first word (for a prefix) or the last word (for a suffix) is a directional indicator and shall be left in abbreviated form by name correction bots and the like.

Some Examples)

To encode "South 700 East" in Salt Lake City:
 name = "S. 700 East"
 name_prefix = "included"
 alt_name = "South 700 East"
OR if the prefix is not included:
 name = "700 East"
 name_prefix = "S"
 alt_name = "South 700 East"

To encode "South West Temple" in Salt Lake City:
 name = "S. West Temple"
 name_prefix = "included"
 alt_name = "South West Temple"
(as an aside, it should never be written "SW Temple", as google maps has it)

"K Street NW" in Washington DC,
 name = "K Street NW"
 name_suffix = "included"
 alt_name = "K Street Northwest" (would anyone really write this?)


Comments welcome. I would like to get a clear indication on where people stand on my proposal, so please clearly indicate if you overall agree or disagree with my proposal.

If most people agree with me, I would like to know the proper procedure for making this into an official standard to follow (for at least the U.S.).

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