At 2010-08-02 14:37, Kevin Atkinson wrote:
Alan Mintz <> wrote:
At 2010-07-31 18:54, Kevin Atkinson wrote:

  alt_name = "K Street Northwest" (would anyone really write this?)
I agree, but the abbreviation police held their ground last time we tried this, so...

So I would like to know has anyone tried to get the wiki page changed so that it is not so rigid?

Yes. Last time, a couple of us (or maybe just me - I forget) argued that it was OK to use common abbreviations for some well-known street types - at least St, Ave, Blvd, Pl, etc. - but the opposition was significant, and no change could be agreed upon. (OT - I wish that recognition of similar opposition in the tiger tag removal were given the same weight)

Or do people here really think everything should be expand to the fullest.

Trying to keep the discussion focused, I didn't write about all the places where abbreviations _are_ actually being widely used, theoretically against policy, like road networks, bike networks, pretty much any import with its own namespace, hgv, psv, source, etc.

Alan Mintz <>

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