On Tue, 3 Aug 2010, Apollinaris Schoell wrote:

On 3 Aug 2010, at 22:32 , Kevin Atkinson wrote:

OK.  So There is clearly no agreement on the abbreviation of road types 
(Street, Way, etc).  So what about these specific exceptions.  I will assume 
silence means agreement :)

Rather than "United Stated Highway 29 Frontage Road" just "U.S. 29 Frontage Road" or 
maybe "US 29 Frontage Road". Why.  Because no will say the formal out load.

most of the times I see it
name=Frontage Road
ref=US 29

this will be rendered in similar way as on other maps. Name is on the street and US, I, is on a shield. Doesn't make sense to duplicate the ref on the name.

Since when does a frontage road get a Highway shield?

And in any case you are saying that the frontage road is part of US 29?

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