On Wed, 11 Aug 2010, Lord-Castillo, Brett wrote:

I just want to point out that the federal address standard has passed through the public comment period and is now in committee review. It is expected to become a federal regulation in early 2011.



The standard is presented as a tag based model expressed in xml. It
would probably be a serious mistake to ignore it. It actually directly addresses (in address data content) all of the issues that are getting hashed over here, and quite a few that have not been brought up yet (like dual and quad number addresses).

I looked it over. If you really wanted to break out every last possible part of a street name it would be a good guideline to follow. The problem is no one will manually enter in all those parts, especially since the distinction would be meaningless to most people.

My main goal was to separate out the directional prefix because, which while important for mailing, did not really belong as part of the street name. I thought I would take care of the suffix as well.

However, since I now see that there are other, non-directional, prefix and suffixes. I might simplify my proposal to simply include any prefix and suffixes not included with the displayed street name. I am also considering dropping the "included" provision until such time that all components are broken out.

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