I THINK the file you need where the rules are, is:


If you guys want to build more fine-grained rules and contribute them back, that would be truly awesome

I don't know how to back to git directly, plus I have no way to test this, but I've attached the logic to check TIGER version as I understand it.

<Style name="tiger">
   <Filter>[is_tiger] = 'yes'</Filter>
   <LineSymbolizer stroke="red" stroke-width="0.1"/>
   <Filter>[is_tiger] = 'no'</Filter>
   <LineSymbolizer stroke="green" stroke-width="0.1"/>
   <Filter>[is_tiger] = 'yes'</Filter>
   <LineSymbolizer stroke="red" stroke-width="0.3"/>
   <Filter>[is_tiger] = 'no'</Filter>
   <LineSymbolizer stroke="green" stroke-width="0.3"/>
   <Filter>[is_tiger] = 'yes'</Filter>
   <LineSymbolizer stroke="red" stroke-width="0.6"/>
   <Filter>[is_tiger] = 'no'</Filter>
   <LineSymbolizer stroke="green" stroke-width="0.6"/>
   <Filter>[is_tiger] = 'yes'</Filter>
   <LineSymbolizer stroke="red" stroke-width="1"/>
   <Filter>[is_tiger] = 'no'</Filter>
   <LineSymbolizer stroke="green" stroke-width="1"/>

<Layer name="roads" srs="&srs900913;">
   <Parameter name="table">
     (select way,
       (case when osm_uid = '7168' -- DaveHansenTiger
                   and osm_timestamp::timestamp &gt;=
                   and osm_timestamp::timestamp &lt;=
                 then 'yes'
             when osm_uid = '15169' -- Milenko
                   and osm_timestamp::timestamp &gt;=
                   and osm_timestamp::timestamp &lt;=
                 then 'yes'
             when osm_uid = '20587' -- balrog-kun
                   and osm_version = '2'
                 then 'yes'
             else 'no' end) as is_tiger
       from &prefix;_line
       where highway is not null
       order by is_tiger desc) as roads
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