On 5/29/2011 3:32 AM, Nathan Mills wrote:
On Sun, 29 May 2011 03:00:03 -0400, Nathan Edgars II wrote:

Perhaps the best way to handle it would be to render a wider line if
oneway=yes and not lanes=1 or if oneway=no/unset and lanes=4 or more.
Thus divided highways would not need a lane count to be wider, but
undivided roads would need to be tagged as having four lanes.

That seems like it would be a reasonable way to handle it. I'm no mapnik
expert, but I can see what I can figure out with the installation I have

Thank you. To this end, I've been systematically going through trunks in the US and adding lanes=* tags. This is of course useful even if nothing is done rendering-wise.

By the way, if anyone wants to do some armchair mapping and needs suggestions, http://jxapi.openstreetmap.org/xapi/api/0.6/*[FIXME=dual carriageway] is a good starting point. Just make sure to correctly modify the lane count, relation roles, and anything else.

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