
On Dec 22, 2011, at 1:57 PM, Paul Johnson wrote:

> On Thu, Dec 22, 2011 at 11:45:36AM -0800, Apollinaris Schoell wrote:
>> Not at all. California is large and isn't consistent across
>> different counties. I know only a single place where it's like that
>> in northern California. And this is a new and special testing area
>> it's not only a normal HOV lane it's a pay per use at rush hours and
>> free to use otherwise. Cost varies based on traffic. Not exactly a
>> HOV lane where use is allowed for cars with a minimum of 2 or 3
>> passengers or fuel efficient cars.
> That doesn't really change the nature of what I was saying at all;
> it's still a restricted lane 24 hours.  Some close at night, some
> allow single-occupant tolls, others go bus only at night.  But, that
> doesn't change the ultimate point, which is we have a limited-access
> lane that functionally has a median between it and the rest of traffic
> in most locations.

But in Northern California there is not a median between it and the rest of 
traffic. You are extrapolating from your own experiences for an entire, very 
large, state and it isn't valid.


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