Ngày 2012-04-02 5:25 AM, Phil! Gold viết:
There are actually two shield styles we have.  There's the cutout-style
that you see by default and another style you can switch to that more
closely resembles the roadside reassurance signs for the routes.  The
cutouts will probably load faster--more of them have been rendered
already--but please take a look at the other one, too; I'd like to know
which one people prefer.

Thank you for using cutout-style shields. They look great!

I'm not an expert on every state, so I'm particularly interested in
whether things look good to the natives of each state and, if not, what
could make them look better.

Displaying concurrent shields in bunches is certainly an improvement over all the maps that just pick one shield to display, and they look like reassurance sign assemblies to boot. But it's still strange to see shields hanging off either side of a north-south stretch of road. [1]

I'd prefer to see the shields strung out along the concurrency, with no spacing between each shield. That would be especially helpful where the concurrency's shields happen to appear near a junction. Google Maps does that, but they space the shields apart somewhat.

Better yet, two routes of the same network could share a vertically stretched shield, like on printed maps. So US 25/42 would look like this, if you'll pardon the crude ASCII art:

( 42 )

Ohio's and Kentucky's shields look perfect. How about replacing the words "INDIANA" and "ILLINOIS" with slightly larger "I N" and "I L" for readability? [2]


Minh Nguyen <>
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