* Minh Nguyen <m...@1ec5.org> [2012-04-03 02:19 -0700]:
> But it's still strange to see shields hanging off either side of a
> north-south stretch of road. [1]
> I'd prefer to see the shields strung out along the concurrency
> [1] http://elrond.aperiodic.net/mtiles/cutouts/15/8690/12512.png

* Chris Lawrence <lordsu...@gmail.com> [2012-04-03 10:21 -0400]:
> I think concurrencies might look better stacked vertically in some
> circumstances... you'd have to have some logic about the underlying
> direction of the way to make that happen, but vertical stacking would
> look nicer on N-S ways I think.
> Compare:
> http://elrond.aperiodic.net/shields/?zoom=14&lat=37.13887&lon=-80.34525&layers=B0
> and
> http://elrond.aperiodic.net/shields/?zoom=14&lat=37.19653&lon=-80.22878&layers=B0

Try those URLs agan and let me know if you like the way it looks now.
Most of the map still has to rerender (and I'm focusing the server on
putting Interstates on the low zoom levels at the moment), but the areas
around those links should be up to date.

...computer contrarian of the first order... / http://aperiodic.net/phil/
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This is Something
Therefore, This must be Done
                       -- The Thatcherite Syllogism
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