On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 12:33 AM, Phil! Gold <phi...@pobox.com> wrote:
> * Chris Lawrence <lordsu...@gmail.com> [2012-04-03 10:21 -0400]:
>> I think concurrencies might look better stacked vertically in some
>> circumstances... you'd have to have some logic about the underlying
>> direction of the way to make that happen, but vertical stacking would
>> look nicer on N-S ways I think.
>> Compare:
>> http://elrond.aperiodic.net/shields/?zoom=14&lat=37.13887&lon=-80.34525&layers=B0
>> and
>> http://elrond.aperiodic.net/shields/?zoom=14&lat=37.19653&lon=-80.22878&layers=B0
> Try those URLs agan and let me know if you like the way it looks now.
> Most of the map still has to rerender (and I'm focusing the server on
> putting Interstates on the low zoom levels at the moment), but the areas
> around those links should be up to date.

Wow.  Vertical pairs.  Looks nice, and switches back to horizontal as
the line orientation changes.  :-)

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