* Nathan Edgars II <nerou...@gmail.com> [2012-04-04 11:54 -0400]:
> It seems that many people see the network tag as not representing a
> network but a shield design. Does this sound accurate?

That matches my sense of what people have said about the tagging.  I've
been thinking of them in terms of subsets of a larger network, but since
the subset is largely determined by how it's signed, it amounts to the
same thing.

* Craig Hinners <cr...@hinnerspace.com> [2012-04-04 09:14 -0700]:
> One of many examples: Maryland uses a unique green-on-white shield for
> US Business routes, but those roads still get tagged as
> "network=US:US:Business", not "network=US:US:Business:MD" or somesuch.

It seems to me that network=US:US:Business:MD is the logical extension of
a scheme that has US:US and US:US:Business.  I had actually planned on
attaching Maryland's US Business shields to the US:US:Business:MD network
once I made them, but I haven't gotten to those yet.

...computer contrarian of the first order... / http://aperiodic.net/phil/
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<vees> my htaccess ban finger is twitching
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