On Thu, Jul 19, 2012 at 11:05 AM, Charlotte Wolter
<techl...@techlady.com> wrote:

> This is very disappointing and, to my mind, wrongheaded. Poorly done!

When I see comments like this, I feel angry, because this bot came
from  hard working volunteers who give up their valuable time. Not
only are these particular volunteers valuable for their mapping, but
also for their tireless work dealing with the worldwide politics of
the license transition, and of the very difficult technical issues
associated with fixing an entire planet's work of OpenStreetMap data.

The redaction isn't something that was dreamed up yesterday, but
represents years of discussion, a completely open and transparent
process, and months of codification and testing.

If you had constructive input to give, there was a well documented
time and place for that, or better yet would have been an offer to
contribute working code. Comments like this do nothing to further the
discussion or make any forward progress.

If you want to fix the map using TIGER data, TIGER 2011 tiles are
provided for remapping, or, better still would be on the ground

As for the feasibility- most nations have been mapped with no
government provided data. If most of Europe, South America, Africa,
and developing nations can manage to map without government data, I
think the citizens of the nation's second most populated city can

- Serge

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