
On Thu, Jul 19, 2012 at 10:04 AM, Charlotte Wolter
<techl...@techlady.com> wrote:
>         Do you have any idea how big LA is? You can't just delete huge
> sections of the San Fernando Valley and start over. Start over from what?
> With no street names? That's just not feasible.
> --C

This is, however, how OpenStreetMap started and operated from 2005 to
2007, when we got access to Yahoo! imagery. Before Yahoo! it was all
GPS and ground surveying. And even with access to aerial imagery, we
still need to go out there and collect street names in most parts of
the world. Here we at least have TIGER. So yes, it's feasible. It
won't be perfect overnight, but then again, it probably wasn't to
begin with.

martijn van exel

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