Well this thread rekindled a conversation I had started with my county
GIS office over a year ago. At that time they gave me a copy of their
6" imagery which I have used extensively. Within the last 24 hours I
have reestablished contact and been given permission to use their data
in OSM as well as supplied with credentials to log in to their FTP
server and help myself to shapefiles.

The only restriction they place on the data (which is in line with the
Kansas Open Records Act) is that you can't use the land owner name
plus address information in their parcel data for commercial purposes,
specifically marketing. I made it very clear that I had no interest
whatsoever in using the names and that all I needed was address and
location. They were happy with this.

Now for the hard part. Converting and conflating the information with
the non-trivial number of addresses I have already collected on the


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