On Dec 17, 2012, at 12:50 PM, Steve Coast wrote:

> On Dec 17, 2012, at 12:45 PM, Michal Migurski <m...@teczno.com> wrote:
>> Information density: maybe a different grid for lower zoom levels, e.g. 5km, 
>> 10km, etc.? It would have the opposite effect of what's there now I think, 
>> which is "look at all that green!"
> I prefer modulating by population, since a sea of green in Wyoming (with 
> apologies to those in Wyoming) really doesn't matter since nobody lives 
> there. The question is, where is the population / edits ration low, not the 
> absolute edits numbers.
> Maybe ask people from CloudMade what they did 3 years ago.
> Also, I wouldn't ask the question(s) in a vacuum. I suspect, but cannot 
> confirm, that if you did a similar analysis of NT or TA data in the US you'd 
> see exactly the same thing; a natural economic bias in the metrics to mapping 
> places with high population density.

I suspect the same, it makes sense given driving patterns and economic demand.


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