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Eugghh! The landuse data around here is a mess. Government data import I 
presume.... On the plus side. There's plenty to get stuck in and work on. I 
recommend JOSM for dealing with kind of tangled mess.


 From: Tom Taylor <>
To: Russell Deffner <> 
Cc: 'OSM US Talk' <>; 'hot' <>; 
'Murry McEntire' <> 
Sent: Friday, 14 June 2013, 16:55
Subject: Re: [HOT] [Talk-us] Black Forest Fire Update

natural=wood is the obvious way to me. It's what I use here in Ottawa, 

On 14/06/2013 11:19 AM, Russell Deffner wrote:
> Just for the record, I don't disagree with Murry's suggestion and he and I
> have talked about this face-to-face.  And I think you'd be the most local
> expert on this one, please feel free to change my tags.
> Thanks!
> From: Murry McEntire []
> Sent: Friday, June 14, 2013 9:07 AM
> To: Paul Norman
> Cc: hot; OSM US Talk
> Subject: Re: [Talk-us] Black Forest Fire Update
> On Fri, Jun 14, 2013 at 2:26 AM, Paul Norman <> wrote:
> What do you think we should do with what I would normally tag natural=wood?
> There's plenty of woods in the residential areas that aren't mapped, but I'm
> not sure how to handle them.
> I was hoping long time users and experts would jump on this question. It
> bothers me a little that land_use=forest is used in the area of the Black
> Forest community as there hasn't been any real managed forest in the area
> for decades. Historically it was the area that was logged to build early
> Colorado Springs, and was over harvested so was no longer a forest. Then it
> was replanted and brought back - but was also largely subdivided, so it is
> now largely woodland covering residential lots. The lots are large, many 5
> acres and up. It now does not seem to fit the definition of landuse=forest
> of "Managed forest or woodland plantation".
> The land cover is definitely trees in much of the area so natural=wood
> certainly fits and doen't conflict with landuse=residential but can
> complement it. natural=wood "Woodland where timber production does not
> dominate use."
> How landuse=forest is presented on renderers makes a resident of the Western
> United States think of National Forest land, as that is what other maps do.
> It might lead some, rightly or wrongly, to think of hikes and camping can be
> done there, but it is mostly peoples yards. The parks and open space of the
> area have been marked very well (and are mostly forested). The county
> contains much actual National Forest, just not in this area.
> I am also aware that the tags can be badly defined, I'm trying to change
> that elsewhere now, but landuse=forest and natural=wood look to be good
> definitions. So experts, what is the proper way to map this?  I'm just a
> casual mapper in OSM since April :-)
> Murry
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