On Sun, Jun 30, 2013 at 3:39 AM, Toby Murray <toby.mur...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Yeah, to me the wiki reads that to be a motorway it should be dual
> carriageway except in exceedingly rare circumstances. That's how I've been
> tagging.

That is not how I read it, especially since I do not see fully-controlled
access two lane facilities as "exceedingly rare."

> So then we come back to the question of what exactly is trunk if it isn't
> used for these kinds of roads?

I have been using the Highway Functional Classification System (Wiki:
as a boilerplate in Kansas.

For Urban "Other freeways and expressways" and Rural "Principal Arterials,"
I go back to my controlled access rule of thumb. If it is controlled
access, I tag as motorway, otherwise, it's tagged as trunk. If I were to go
strictly on HFCS, K-10 between Lawrence and Lenexa, US 59 between Lawrence
and Ottawa, and US 75 between Topeka and US 56 would all be trunks, even
though all of those facilities are clearly 4-lane freeways.

FTR, I have not found a fully controlled-access facility classified as
"secondary arterial" or lower on any official DOT HFCS map.

> On Sun, Jun 30, 2013 at 1:58 AM, Paul Johnson <ba...@ursamundi.org> wrote:
>> Yeah, trunk seems more appropriate to me, motorway seems to make me think
>> of a limited access roadway with a statistically insignificant chance of
>> getting hit head on.
> I wouldn't considered a freeway to have a "statistically insignificant"
chance of getting hit head-on. Depending on traffic, and the demographics
of the drivers, you could wind up having a better change of a median
crossover collision than a head on on a super-two.

Richie Kennedy
www.route56.com * richiekenned...@gmail.com
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I'm not crazy. I'm just ahead of my time.
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