Yeah, to me the wiki reads that to be a motorway it should be dual
carriageway except in exceedingly rare circumstances. That's how I've been

So then we come back to the question of what exactly is trunk if it isn't
used for these kinds of roads?


On Sun, Jun 30, 2013 at 1:58 AM, Paul Johnson <> wrote:

> Yeah, trunk seems more appropriate to me, motorway seems to make me think
> of a limited access roadway with a statisticaly insignificant chance of
> getting hit head on.
> On Jun 28, 2013 8:07 PM, "Evin Fairchild" <> wrote:
>> So basically, these super-2 roads should be tagged as motorways instead
>> of primary or trunk? That would be fine with me. Even though I have changed
>> roads like these back to primary when someone had changed them to motorway,
>> I only did that because I thought motorway was not supposed to be used
>> there. But if motorway is to be used, that's okay with me.
>> -Compdude
>> On Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 8:49 PM, Chris Lawrence <>wrote:
>>> On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 2:36 PM, Paul Johnson <>
>>> wrote:
>>> > That would mean most freeways including interstates in the west, with
>>> the
>>> > exception of limited sections in the bay area, southwestern California,
>>> > central Portland and urban Seattle wouldn't be motorways, as
>>> restricting
>>> > pedestrians and bicycles is unusual in 34 states.
>>> To clarify, I meant that most states have some practice that involves
>>> specially marking freeways; for example, California uses the "Freeway
>>> Entrance" sign, as I believe is also the case in Nevada, Washington,
>>> and a few other states, while in many other states the restrictions
>>> are spelled out on a sign at the beginning of controlled access and
>>> on-ramps.  Of course, there are states that don't post these
>>> restriction signs (like Mississippi), and there are states that allow
>>> certain categories of vehicle on some or all freeways that are
>>> forbidden on other states' freeways.  But as a guide for figuring out
>>> if a stretch of road is a freeway (and thus in OSM tagging a
>>> highway=motorway) knowing field signing practices for freeways is a
>>> helpful indicator, along with the legal designation of the route (if
>>> the state makes a legal distinction between partial and full control
>>> of access, regardless of the terminology).
>>> And this isn't tagging for the renderer.  It's tagging based on the
>>> western hemisphere translation of the concept of a "motorway," which
>>> includes the possibility of undivided routes with full access control.
>>>  Tagging for the renderer would be tagging undivided freeways as
>>> trunks because we want them to be visually distinct from divided
>>> freeways tagged as motorways in Mapnik's default style.
>>> TLDR version: if there are signs at each end saying the road is a
>>> freeway, and we have it tagged as a primary rather than a motorway
>>> (the super two freeway section of US 101 in Washington State is
>>> apparently an example, based on what He Who Shall Not Be Named says in
>>> another forum), that's a problem. We can haggle over more ambiguous
>>> cases like (presumably) MD 60 - I've never driven it and haven't done
>>> any research with the state authorities, so I have no particular
>>> expertise there.
>>> Chris
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