
* Martijn van Exel <m...@rtijn.org> [131218 20:46]:
> I am having second thoughts on the colon separator for
> role=north:unsigned. The colon separator seems to be more common in
> keys, like lanes:forward=2, lanes:backward=2 etc. while the semicolon
> or pipe seem to be more prevalent to separate values. The pipe
> character seems to be more widely used when there is an ordered set of
> elements, like lanes:maxspeed=40|60|60 to indicate speed limits for
> lanes 1,2,3 respectively, whereas the semicolon seems to be used as a
> more generic separator like destination=Salt Lake City;Reno. (Even
> there you could argue that there is an ordering, the first element
> would appear first on the sign, the second one below that.)

> So I changed the wiki
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Highway_Directions_In_The_United_States
> to reflect this and propose the semicolon approach:

> role=north;unsigned.

> OK?

the semicolon is usually the separator that you use if you have several
unrelated values that unfortunately share the same key; I would interpret
"role=north;unsigned" as 'this object has both the tags "role=north" AND
"role=unsigned"'. I recommend staying with the colon approach, because
we don't want to express two separate independent roles but the role
"north" which happens to be of the "unsigned" version in this object.


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