On Jan 13, 2014 4:10 PM, "Richard Welty" <rwe...@averillpark.net> wrote:
> On 1/13/14 4:22 PM, Dave Oksner wrote:

> 1) check on the status of the document, verify that it's ok to use
> as a data source

Definitely critical.  Reverts suck!

> 2) do a sampling of the speed limits from the document vs reality,
> verify that the data has some measure of accuracy. i have seen enough
> changes to speed limits over the past couple of that i would be a
> little wary of such a doc until i'd done these comparisons.

This reminds me... Oregon DOT centralizes all speed limits in the state, no
other agency or jurisdiction has the authority to set or modify speed
limits in that state, so every speed limit on every last inch of pavement
in that state is part of reusable by us under the Oregon sunshine law.

> 4) consider combining this project with the construction of county
> route relations for your area if they're not already there.

I've been looking at what it's going to take to handle county road
relations in Oklahoma, and that's... a daunting task getting in the realm
of "would need to automate" territory for the initial relation creation and
membership population, since we're talking about hundreds (thousands?) of
routes per county...
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