On 1/13/14 5:56 PM, Paul Johnson wrote:
> On Jan 13, 2014 4:10 PM, "Richard Welty" <rwe...@averillpark.net> wrote:
>> 4) consider combining this project with the construction of county
>> route relations for your area if they're not already there.
> I've been looking at what it's going to take to handle county road
> relations in Oklahoma, and that's... a daunting task getting in the realm
> of "would need to automate" territory for the initial relation creation and
> membership population, since we're talking about hundreds (thousands?) of
> routes per county...
well, yes, this will vary from state to state. many (if not most) a
residential rural road in NC has an assigned state highway
number, yet obviously we're not marking them all secondary
and putting in ref tags.


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