On 6/25/14 6:37 AM, Minh Nguyen wrote:
> "Postal cities" aren't currently tagged as areas, only tag values on
> individual POIs and buildings. Clifford's first example is a building
> that lies outside the Redmond city limits but still carries a Redmond
> address, which is noted in addr:city.
> Would it be possible for Nominatim itself to synthesize a "postal
> city" boundary for its own use? I'm unfamiliar with Nominatim's inner
> workings, but it appears to models streets as polygons. How about
> something similar at the city level, taking into account the city
> limits and any matching addr:city values within a certain radius?
i'm currently working on setting up an external source for
"city" boundaries derived from ZCTA data. these boundaries
would not be intended for import to OSM, but rather would
be an external data set available to geocoders such as


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