CDPs make for nice cartographic labeling in areas where there are no other
official towns. e.g.

On Thu, Jun 12, 2014 at 4:48 AM, Minh Nguyen <>

> On 2014-06-11 09:09, Clifford Snow wrote:
>> I can not search for an address in part of unincorporated King County,
>> WA when using the postal city.
>> Fails - 7732 234th Place Northeast, Redmond, WA
>> The search works when omitting the postal city. The search returns the
>> CDP, Union Hill-Novelty Hill at the correct location.
>> Passes - 7732 234th Place Northeast, WA
>> The building is tagged as follows:
>> addr:city=Redmond
>> addr:housenumber=7732
>> addr:street=234th Place Northeast
>> addr:postcode=98053
>> name=7732
>> Is this a problem with nominatim or the CDP boundary?
> I'm resigned to the idea that Nominatim only gives reverse absolute paths,
> not addresses. I've mapped many residential and retail developments with
> named landuses, so Nominatim now gives results like:
> 3, Highridge Circle, Stoneybrook, Loveland, Hamilton, Ohio, 45140, United
> States
> <>
> (where Stoneybrook is a named landuse=residential)
> The tagging is correct, but Nominatim is a tad too aggressive in this
> case. Its behavior probably makes sense for rural, poorly mapped areas, but
> not for built-up, well-mapped ones.
> --
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