This thread seems like a storm in a teacup. From a data perspective
addr:state is not really needed. Nominatim in particular and probably other
geocoders as well assign it automatically based on state (admin_level=4)
boundary relations. These relations are also tagged with ref=<2 letter
code> which is why searching for something in "Manhattan, KS" works in
nominatim just as well as "Manhattan, Kansas"

The addr;state field has generally been left off of address imports. Adding
the field in iD to reduce user input errors might be nice and a good idea
but the addr:state tag that results from it is of very little value.


On Fri, Nov 7, 2014 at 1:18 AM, Minh Nguyen <>

> On 2014-11-06 20:17, Elliott Plack wrote:
>> Thinking more on this, and using my experience in the foursquare
>> superuser editing community, trying to have a single "state" type entity
>> is really quite hard to scale globally. Political boundaries and
>> administrative levels vary all over the world, and trying to establish a
>> single name for a smaller political unit than the country is really
>> challenging. State? Province? Municipality? There are many names for
>> what a US State is (if you can really compare it out), and so to use
>> addr:state does seem fairly USA focused.
> iD supports country-specific address formats. The "State" field only
> appears for features in the U.S., while Canadian address get a "Province"
> field. Vietnamese addresses get separate fields for subdistrict, district,
> city, and province, befitting the customary address format there.
>  Before the state showed up in iD, I had assumed someone could just
>> easily derive the US state from the postal code.
> That would be the case if everyone entered ZIP codes. However, I got this
> field added [1] because its absence was confusing inexperienced mappers,
> leading to inconsistent or erroneous data entry. For example, people were
> setting addr:city to "Youngstown, Ohio" or "Dublin, OH" [2][3], or setting
> addr:postcode to "OH 45202", "OH", or "Ohio" [4][5][6]. This happened
> primarily in iD but also to a lesser extent in Potlatch, which also lacks a
> "State" field in simple mode.
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> [5]
> [6]
> --
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