I don't think the issue would be routing so much as finding the location. I 
just checked OsmAnd to see if it could find a near by apartment complex where 
the grounds are tagged with, among other tags addr:housenumber=*, 
addr:street=*, landuse=residential and name=*. The buildings on it are simply 
tagged with building=yes and source=bing.

OsmAnd was able to find the location by address but, interestingly, not by 
name. Looks like the online routing sites I use like 
http://map.project-osrm.org and http://www.yournavigation.org/index.php can 
find the location by name and address.


On Dec 8, 2014, at 1:19 AM, Hans De Kryger wrote:

> Does anyone know if osm navigation apps can route you to your location using 
> area's tagged with a full address? I ask because I've been tagging apartment 
> complexes, (Retail area's with names) with full addresses. Adding the data to 
> the area.
> Regards,
> Hans
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