On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 10:29 AM, Clifford Snow <cliff...@snowandsnow.us>

> On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 9:35 AM, Peter Dobratz <pe...@dobratz.us> wrote:
>> I agree with the sentiment in this wiki page that I quoted here.  I think
>> that if there is only 1 POI that occupies the building, then that is best
>> indicated by putting the tags for the POI on the building polygon.  If you
>> just have a Node for the POI, then you are not saying anything about the
>> size of the business, and you are not saying anything about whether there
>> are multiple businesses occupying the same building.
>> Though there are often different entities that own the building and the
>> business in the building, I think for OSM we are much more concerned with
>> information about the business
>> If the business closes or moves, then just delete any tags related to the
>> business (shop, phone, website, etc), but keep the building and addr tags.
>> When a new business comes in, add tags as appropriate for that business.
> Generally I agree with adding the business name to the building polygon.
> But what do you do when a single business operates in a "named" building?
> My choice is to preserve the building name on the polygon and add the
> business as a node within the building polygon.

Creating the internal node for the business is an option in the case where
you want to also have a name tag on the building that is different from the
name.  Depending on the situation, it may also be more appropriate to put
the name on a land use polygon (landuse=retail or landuse=commercial) that
surrounds the building and grounds.  You could also have more than one name
tag on the building by making use of various name tags (for example
alt_name or old_name).  If there's a name etched in stone that's part of
the building denoting it's original use (for example a former elementary
school), then I capture that with old_name.

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