> This seems to be "tagging for the renderer" which is not a good idea.  If
> the only thing occupying the building is a single POI, then put the POI
> tags on the closed Way for the building outline.  By adding a new object
> (Node) for the POI, you are also going against the "One feature, one OSM
> element" idea.  There are renderers in existence that will display both the
> house number and the name of a restaurant with food icon.

> > http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tagging_for_the_renderer
> > http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/One_feature,_one_OSM_element
> > http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Good_practice
There are two features here:  the building, and the business.
The building and business may well have different owners.
In some cases a business will sell it's building but lease back the space.

The address is generally an attribute of the building and does not change
as tenants come and go.
The business inherits the address for the time they are in the building.
They may have a website= that keeps working even if they move.


Thus one could argue that the "one feature one osm element" rule would want:
* Attach an address to the building outline.  Tag the owner if that is
known (e.g. the leasing company).
* Add POI nodes for one or more businesses inside that building.  These may
have website/phone tags.
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