On Thu, Feb 5, 2015 at 5:23 AM, Mike N <nice...@att.net> wrote:

> On 2/4/2015 11:25 PM, Greg Morgan wrote:
>>   addr:housenumber contains both the number
>> and the building letter in the same field.  The map is useful because
>> you can find the building. How have other people tried to handle these
>> situations?
> I haven't tried in any meaningful way.  It's too early to guess how an
> address matching utility might work.   Until now I have used both
>  addr:housenumber=724D
> and
>  addr:housenumber=724 + addr:unit=D
>  depending on whether the address specified by the owner's web site
> included the letter.   More recently, I've gravitated towards separating
> the addr:unit even if the owner specified it as one word, but I'm not sure
> it's the most useful.   The addr:housenumber doesn't render anyway if the
> building has also been tagged as another POI that renders.
> Including a unit number in the house number is incorrect and potentially
confusing. There are house numbers that have a prefix or suffix as part of
the house number, that's a different thing. It just depends on how the
building is addressed.
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