On 9/30/2015 2:40 PM, Paul Johnson wrote:
 I do find two things remarkable about this plugin's

 1. It seems to have picked out an incomplete set based on the paths
    relative to imagery.
 2. I have no way of being able to survey the exact location of the GPS
    output from the plugin from the ground (it's inside a fence factory,
    /of course/ it's fenced off!), so I can only assume the GPS was
    located on one of those big diesel-powered forklifts.

I had a look at the plugin - it does find some interesting things. I find that truckers use the Scout App, and the profile where they drive around a huge factory to pick up / drop off a load appears the same as if a car is going through a previously unknown subdivision.

So once the plugin identifies an area of interest, confirm with imagery or TIGER for the next step
   - add driveways to a factory
   - Add new road(s) from TIGER
   - Schedule the area for a survey

The odd cloud of points comes from random inaccuracies of a smartphone inside a vehicle, and excluded for a certain distance from existing roads to minimize false positives.

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