On Fri, Oct 2, 2015 at 9:23 AM, Tom Bloom <tombloo...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> Summary, sort of. Thanks for all comments!
> There is no consensus, but what I've gleaned is that:
I don't know how you came to that conclusion without some fairly selective
reading, Tom.

> -If the driveway is long and wrong, or short and inside an urban area, delete 
> it.
> Paul and Kevin say I should fix them. Easily said, but there are are too many 
> and there are whole towns needing alignment, and endless roads connecting 
> them that don't remotely resemble reality. No data is better than wrong data.
>  Scrambling someone else's work for your own comfort is generally
considered harmful.

> -Regarding access=private. If there is a gate, it's private. If it is a lane 
> to a farmhouse, it may or may not be. There are any number of reasons. The 
> electric meter reader. FedEx. Someone who is lost. The vet. I think the 
> private tag should be removed, unless the lane is posted private. I've never 
> seen one in decades of biking country roads. Farmers love company. If there 
> is an address issue, it is normally the mail box at the main road, not at the 
> house.
> Even if it's not gated, it's still probably private, as the public has no
reasonable expectation to be there for any reasons other than visiting or
conducting business with the farmer.

> -Living Streets. This is a distinct entity and not something decided by OSM. 
> They are decided by local administration, and OSM should tag them only after 
> that. Paul suggests that there could be townhouses at the end of rural lanes 
> in rural Oregon. They are farmhouses and the tag is wrong. Tho I do prefer 
> the wrong green tag to the wrong red tag :-).
> No, I said that these are a common situation in urban America and used an
example of a townhouse complex I formerly lived in back in Wood Village as
an example.

> -Don't map for the renderer. Agreed, but it seems reasonable to try to make 
> the map look good. Mapnik is the face of OSM for most people. Paul again 
> suggests that I should make my own render. Why? I've spent countless hours 
> aligning rivers, roads, and rails with Mapnik as the guide. This makes the 
> map look better and may appeal more to prospective users.
> That's not a data issue, don't create data for the renderer.  If you don't
like how it looks, fix the renderer, don't game the data.

> Kevin says all real roads should be included, if tagged correctly. I agree.
> So my plan is to change to hwy=service, service=driveway, delete private 
> unless posted, delete living_street where inappropriate, and have a beer.
> Could you not?  And maybe actually listen to what people are saying?
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