TIGER drew thousands of driveways that are often simply wrong. They are tagged private and in my opinion spoil the map appearance with little red squiggles all over the place. No other map I've found includes them. Looking around the country, I notice some areas where they were removed, changed to service roads, drawn de novo, and one area (near Rosebud, OR) where they were inexplicably changed to living_street, which they just aren't.

I've been deleting them if wildly wrong, and would like to delete all I encounter. Any ideas?

Don't delete them, fix them. That's the OSM method. I find driveways, when already entered, quite useful and helpful additional data. Sometimes I'll enter them myself especially when they are long and give access to what is otherwise inaccessible or if they allow pedestrian easement to a trailhead or public land, (as they sometimes do) as was mentioned earlier. This latter reason makes OSM superior to many other maps for certain data consumers (e.g. hikers). Driveways can also stand out as visually distinct access=private parts of the road network that are "there" (on the ground, in real life...) but "you can't use." This only SEEMS like it isn't useful, but in some use cases, it is.

Let's be careful with wholesale deletion due to personal taste of certain data categories. If it is truly wrong, fix it if possible. Delete it as a last resort, only when it is correct to do so.


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