On Fri, Dec 9, 2016 at 6:38 PM, Bill Ricker <bill.n1...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Does it do harm to treat a mini as a regular roundabout in the land that
> isn't even doing big roundabouts right yet?

Probably no harm but if you were a trucking company looking to deliver
goods to an address was only accessible via a roundabout, you might want to
make sure the truck could transverse the roundabout. The roundabout in my
example has a small diameter which could preclude longer trailers from
using if the center was impassable. To get to the businesses would mean
driving 5 miles south on the interstate before heading back on the frontage

I think the document that went with this roundabout is pretty clear that it
is intended as a mini-roundabout, even with the raised apron. The weather
is pretty crummy right now or I'd get some pictures.

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