Ilya, I apologize for the tone of my last message.  Ian has done a good job
of restating my question in a reasonable manner.

Overall, I think this effort is great for filling in gaps in OSM data and I
applaud your efforts.  If I had looked more at the data review tool, I
would have realized that there is more of an element to manual review of
the data.   I will spend some time helping review the data.


On Fri, Dec 22, 2017 at 5:13 AM, Ian Dees <> wrote:

> Hi list,
> I wanted to remind everyone that we're all trying to make the map better
> here. Please be careful with the words you choose to use so that they
> aren't condescending or attacking.
> For example, in this message from Peter it's very easy to read the
> sentences about opening hours as a personal attack on Ilya and not a new
> critique of the proposal. It might have been better to write:
> "I'm worried that this import will replace more specific holiday opening
> hours with the generic year round string. Will the import process include a
> check to make sure the object hasn't changed since you ran the conflation
> so that changes like this don't get overwritten?"
> There's no need to make the claim that the import gets to have more weight
> (no one said it did) and there's no need to direct the message at Ilya. As
> has been discussed before, he's helping Brandify with tools.
> Happy holidays,
> Ian
> On Dec 22, 2017 01:47, "Peter Dobratz" <> wrote:
> Ilya,
> I'm trying to wrap my head around how making this a "frictionless series
> of imports" is going to work.  So if a local mapper edits details on a
> Walmart, those details could potentially be swiftly overwritten with your
> data?
> As you can see, the opening hours for next week are non-standard due to
> the Christmas holiday.  What if someone decides they want to add that level
> of detail to the opening_hours tag:
> opening_hours=00:00-01:00,05:00-24:00; Dec 24 5:00-18:00; Dec 25 off; Dec
> 26 06:00-24:00
> How long until you automatically replace this with "05:00-01:00" ?
> Do you see the problem with doing that?
> As you say there are differences of opinion in how things are tagged.  Why
> does your opinion get to have more weight?
> Peter
> On Thu, Dec 21, 2017 at 1:12 AM, Ilya Zverev <> wrote:
>> Hi Peter,
>> Thank you for suggestions.
>> First, the highlighted tag value is what goes into OSM. In your case, the
>> import will keep the shop=department_store.
>> Regarding updates to opening_hours, you are suggesting I parse each
>> opening_hours value and then compare these? It would be quite hard and in
>> my opinion excessive. With the two values being equivalent, I don't how the
>> data becomes worse. A few times I omitted "Mo-Su", I was being told it's
>> better to specify the weekdays, so it is again a matter of opinion.
>> In your example, you override the definition for Monday, so it doesn't
>> demonstrate anything besides how complex the opening_hours notation is.
>> The rest I answered in imports@, and some of it goes against what other
>> community members suggest, so again I can conclude that is a matter of
>> opinion and not important one way or another:
>> * URL is provided by Walmart and is much better than what we have.
>> /whats-new can be fixed later, and does not really matter, because it still
>> takes to a store page.
>> * addr:full is provided by Walmart and may be used to improve addressing
>> where there are no addr:* tags. Sorry the importing script cannot do
>> conditional tagging.
>> * operator was recommended by community members, and is a good tag to
>> filter all Walmarts.
>> * ref:walmart will be used for updating the data. Ref may refer not only
>> to a store, but to a building or another feature.
>> Please understand that this is not a one-off handcrafted import. We are
>> working on a process for frictionless series of imports, with regular
>> updates later on. I understand you have mapped a Walmart and feel
>> protective of it. I felt the same a few years into OSM, because everything
>> you add to the map is important. With this import, I believe it does not
>> make the data worse. More attributes is not bad, even if some of these are
>> redundant. The main thing is, until now there were zero mappers who care
>> about keeping all the Walmart stores in OSM up-to-date, and after, there
>> will be more. To me, that is a good thing.
>> Thanks,
>> Ilya
>> > 21 дек. 2017 г., в 1:22, Peter Dobratz <> написал(а):
>> >
>> > Ilya,
>> >
>> > Here's a Walmart that's been built in the last few years I recently
>> added to OSM:
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > What's currently in OSM represents my own mapping style, but I think
>> it's worth discussing the differences before you change them across the
>> whole country.
>> >
>> >
>> > If I read this correctly, you are planning on changing the top-level
>> tag from shop=department_store to shop=supermarket.  I have been using
>> shop=supermarket only for Walmarts branded as "Walmart Neighborhood Market"
>> and using shop=department_store for all other Walmarts.  For me the main
>> distinction is that most Walmarts have departments for things like clothing
>> and electronics that don't exist in the "Walmart Neighborhood Market"
>> stores.
>> >
>> >
>> > You are proposing changing the opening_hours tag from
>> "00:00-01:00,05:00-24:00" to "Mo-Su 05:00-01:00".  When I'm adding opening
>> hours, I avoid timespans that cross midnight as there is some difference of
>> opinion as to what those timespans actually represent.  I think most people
>> would say that these two opening hours are equivalent, but if you were to
>> have something like "Mo-Sa 05:00-01:00; Su 10:00-22:00" this illustrates
>> the problem with different interpretations of times that span midnight:
>> >
>> 2005%3A00-01%3A00%3B%20Su%2010%3A00-22%3A00
>> >;%2
>> 0Su%2010:00-22:00
>> > I also omit "Mo-Su" when writing opening_hours as, in my opinion, this
>> doesn't add value to the data and from a human-readable perspective it
>> looks very similar to "Mo-Sa" which of course means something different.
>> Another problem with "Mo-Su" is that it is equivalent to "Su-Sa" or any of
>> the other 7 possible variations.
>> > One of the problems with the opening_hours tag in general is that there
>> are many ways of representing the same set of opening hours and I'm not
>> aware of any efforts to establish a canonical representation for
>> opening_hours.  Can you avoid updating opening_hours if the new value is
>> equivalent to the old value?
>> >
>> >
>> > For the website tag, I prefer to use simple URLs:
>> >
>> >
>> > The advantage to using the basic URL is that it will still continue to
>> work in the future even if Walmart decides to reformat their webiste.  The
>> disadvantage is that it does not go to a page specific to this particular
>> store.  Reading through the imports list, I see there is already some
>> discussion about whether to use the "whats-new" or "details" URL for each
>> store.  What happens in a year when the "whats-new" URL no longer works?
>> >
>> >
>> > I would omit the addr:full tag at least on objects where addr:street
>> and addr:housenumber already exist.
>> >
>> >
>> > I would also omit the operator=Walmart tag.  I only use operator if the
>> value of the operator is different from the value of name.
>> >
>> >
>> > The object already has ref=5935.  The ref:walmart=5935 tag is
>> superfluous and I would omit it.  It's fairly well established practice to
>> use the plain ref tag for mapping store identifiers.  We don't need a
>> separate ref:* tag for every store.
>> >
>> >
>> > Overall, I think you need to put in more effort to determine whether
>> the data that you are using to overwrite existing OSM data is in fact
>> better.  Since you want to get this done "before the New Year", maybe it
>> would be better to just leave existing OSM tags alone for now and then
>> manually check them against your dataset later.
>> >
>> > I don't have any specific examples handy, but I've seen cases where the
>> data on the company website is wrong for things like postal code, house
>> numbers, or streets.  Sometimes it seems that companies change their
>> addresses to get their geocoding service of choice to put the placemarker
>> in the right spot, so I would be especially wary of changing existing OSM
>> data.
>> >
>> > Peter
>> >
>> >
>> > On Wed, Dec 20, 2017 at 11:45 AM, Ilya Zverev <> wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > As some of you know, Brandify company wants to import all the Walmart
>> locations in the US into OpenStreetMap. They have full permission to do
>> that. See the message from their VP Product, Damian, for more detailed
>> explanation:
>> >
>> >
>> ber/005279.html
>> >
>> > After a brief discussion on the imports@ list, they made a few
>> proposed changes, and I re-uploaded the result to my imports validation
>> website. Could you please look through a couple dozen points, to ensure
>> they will be added to correct locations with correct tags? The more the
>> better — I plan to to a few hundred myself:
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > I really hope we can finish this before the New Year.
>> >
>> > Thanks,
>> > Ilya
>> >
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