On 25/07/2018 14:12, Bryan Housel wrote:

Find more productive ways to improve OSM than threatening to delete people’s 


Hi Bryan,

What I'd normally suggest in a situation like this is that someone comment on some of the problem changesets and offer help and assistance.  However, it looks like people have tried to do that, at least a couple of months ago:


but a reply hasn't come back yet.  That might mean that their email is misconfigured, or the account has been abandoned, or they're just too busy to respond.  There's no biographical info on the account in OSM to suggest any other ways of getting in touch, though the name might perhaps suggest to a casual observer that it's somehow connected to the University of Washington.  You've previously mentioned https://www.opensidewalks.com/ but that is unfortunatly quite low on meaningful content, and seems to mostly talk about an existing OSM proposal and the previous Seattle import attempt https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Seattle,_Washington/Sidewalk_Import (where thankfully actually mapping was done instead).

Do you (or does anyone else on this list) have a direct connection to the TaskarCenterAtUW account?  If so it'd be great to let them know that people have been trying to get in touch with them, and to get some information about the plans to add meaningful tags to the data that's been added already).  Obviously in-OSM contact methods exist but if someone reading this actually knows them they'd understand the context better.

Unfortunately just "more data" is not necessarily an improvement - https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/603909001 is an example of something that as it currently stands really does add no value. However it's clear that the user who added that was aware that there was more to be done - they wrote "Will use JOSM to put in the appropriate tags".  It'd be good to know if or when they plan to do that, or whether some other approach (Maproulette?) might be approriate if they're no longer able to do so and need other people to tidy up after them.

Best Regards,


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