While I agree that national pride should be in how good the map is I think
that trying to eradicate nationalism in OSM is going to be a challenge.
It's too firmly entrenched.  Also I don't think calling someone a German is
racist, I mean it's a nationality more than a race.  Calling them senseless
might be mean or uncharitable but it's also not racist.

On Wed, Jul 25, 2018, 12:22 PM Jmapb <jm...@gmx.com> wrote:

> On 7/25/2018 12:57 PM, Christoph Hormann wrote:
> > I am somewhat amazed by the fact that hardly anyone from the US
> > community (where a lot of mappers routinely map abroad and should be
> > able to empathize with Frederik being concerned about an area where he
> > has no first hand knowledge of) seems to find it necessary to speak up
> > against this.
> Okay, count me in, American, Texan even: Cut out this racist/nationalist
> bull. Respond to people's comments without name-calling. Put the quality
> of the map first and don't take criticism personally. Grow up, apologize
> privately if you're able to, and move on.
> If you feel the need to show up some other nationality, do it by making
> a map so excellent that they weep.
> Jason
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