I'll try to be brief, but there's a decade of history.  The leisure=park wiki 
recently improved to better state it means "an urban/municipal" park, while 
boundary=national_park (or perhaps leisure=nature_reserve, maybe 
boundary=protected_area) works on large, national (and state or provincial in 
North America) parks.  As the sharper wiki focus means a "city_park" (a 
sometimes-found park:type value, I've written brand new wiki on park:type) 
certainly qualifies as a leisure=park, this leaves county_parks (and their ilk, 
like county_beaches) in a quirky "how best do we tag these now?" quandary.

We could be unanimous that all US Department of the Interior, National Park 
Service "parks" gets boundary=national_park.  We have very strong consensus 
that boundary=national_park belongs on state_parks, too (states being as 
sovereign as the US).  We keep leisure=park on city_parks.  Yet how do we tag 
county parks?

At the park:type wiki, I discuss (though do not call for a formal vote) a new 
park_level tag, mimicking values from the admin_level of the level of 
government which operates the park (this doesn't preclude owner=* and 
operator=* tags on "parks," it could supplement them).  It seems park:type 
could/should deprecate, yet county-level parks are pesky with our "new park 
wiki" together with the "older, largely done in the Western USA" kind of park 

I can see tag leisure=park persisting on a lot of county_parks for some time 
(forever?), yet it seems OSM's worldwide view of "park" excludes them (and we 
tag boundary=national_park on state and national parks).

This could get tedious, but it seems it has to be discussed.

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