24 Apr 2019, 23:05 by kevin.b.ke...@gmail.com:

> TL;DR - Tag the land use, not the land ownership. A city, town,
> county, or state park may be virtually indistinguishable urban green
> spots, recreation grounds, nature reserves, whatever. The level of
> government that manages them may be of interest and worth tagging, but
> ought not to be the primary determinant of 'park type'.
I fully agree - who owns objects is not changing its type.
Especially for parks - it does not matte whatever it is owned by
government, company or a single person.

> I think that the Wiki definition leaves a lot to be desired, and I'm
> groping in a fog, much as you are, so please don't take anything that
> I say here as a confrontational pronouncement.
It is one of things that seems easy to define until one actually attempts to do 
Further help is welcomed!

> (...)
> All of these features make for what is essentially a human landscape.
> It's one that's designed to be relaxed, focused on being a respite
> from the hurly-burly of the city, but it's still relatively densely
> developed - with many users concentrated in a relatively small area -
> and definitely human-sculpted.
I agree, and I really like term "human-sculpted".

> The 'type' of park ought to be "what type of experience ought the
> visitor to expect" and not "what government manages it."
Again, I fully agree.

> Bethpage State Park > https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/6447778 
> <https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/6447778>>  is
> a golf course. Robert Moses State Park
> https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/6442393 
> <https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/6442393>>  is a swimming beach. I
> see no reason to map them as anything but what they are, except to
> inform the user that they're state-owned and run by OPRHP (the Office
> of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation).
Yes, "park" in the name does not mean that it is leisure=park.

And some leisure=park may not have "park" in the name (not sure how
often it happens in USA).

We have also things called "industrial park" or "business park"
that are also not tagged leisure=park.
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