> I was thinking just create separate polygons for inholdings, tagged with
access=private and possibly ownership=private

While many Americans like to put "no trespassing" signs on their private
property, a privately owned parcel is not access=private unless there are
signs on the roads and paths leading into it which say so.

Many privately-owned parcels in the national forests are used for forestry
only, and there is no issue with crossing through on a road or trail in
many cases.

Generally it is difficult to maintain land ownership data in OpenStreetMap.
Fortunately, in the USA there are publicly-available databases which
contain this cadastral information, so it is not necessary for us to
duplicate it in OpenStreetMap. Database users should expect to get land
ownership information directly from official sources, if they want accurate
and up-to-data land ownership info by parcel.

For example in Oregon you can get data at

We should not try to map all land ownership data by parcel in OpenStreetMap.

– Joseph Eisenberg

On Sat, Jun 20, 2020 at 5:23 PM stevea <stevea...@softworkers.com> wrote:

> Mike, I hadn't considered that, it distinctly deepens the discussion.
> Stroking my chin and saying "hm" now.
> SteveA
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