On Sat, Jun 20, 2020 at 6:31 PM Joseph Eisenberg <joseph.eisenb...@gmail.com>
> > I was thinking just create separate polygons for inholdings, tagged
with access=private and possibly ownership=private
> While many Americans like to put "no trespassing" signs on their private
property, a privately owned parcel is not access=private unless there are
signs on the roads and paths leading into it which say so.
I don't know enough to know whether you can be prosecuted for trespassing
if it isn't posted, but if the owner shows up and asks you to leave, you
are compelled to leave.  Not too big of a deal if you are just passing
through, but if you have set up camp, it could be a hassle (particularly if
late). In any event, I don't want an encounter with a landowner due to my
trespassing, posted or not.

> Many privately-owned parcels in the national forests are used for forestry
> only, and there is no issue with crossing through on a road or trail in
> many cases.
Not true here in northern Colorado.  There are lots of small inholdings,
some with year round residences, some with seasonal cabins, and some that
people use for their RVs.  There is probably not an issue with passing
through on an established trail or road, but if one is travelling cross
country, aka bushwacking, it could be an issue. I also did recently
encounter private property while on an established trail  (the owner had
posted no trespassing signs). I wish I had known that ahead of time.
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