On Tue, Jul 7, 2020 at 7:38 PM Bob Gambrel <rjgamb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> A very good answer stevea. I suspect the changes I have been making would be 
> appropriate enough for removing tiger_reviewed=no.
> 1) almost always have driven the road as passenger taking notes in OSMAND+ 
> about pavement type
> 2) in ID carefully aligning the roads
> 3) in ID verifying that an extra road doesn't exist by looking at several 
> aerial phots sources before deleting
> 4) setting pavement tpe
> 5) setting lane counts
> 6) putting in traffic signals where known
> 7) noting stop signs where possible and adding stop sign nodes
> Have been less likely to change road type. For example have left minor rural 
> roads as residential if there are farms on it. I have made sure that service 
> roads and driveways are not naked as residential.

Personally, I think even that much is overkill for deleting tiger:reviewed.

I think that surface, lanes, and traffic controls are things that a
mapper can notice are not mapped, irrespective of the TIGER review
status. There are lots of hand-mapped roads that don't have the

I'm willing to delete the tag when:

(1) I've checked alignment against two sets of aerials, at least one
with the leaves off. (In my case, that's almost always Maxar and NYS
Orthos Online.)
(2) I've added all bridges and culverts that I can identify on
aerials. (Which always leads me down the rabbit hole of mapping the
corresponding waterways)
(2) I've verified that the name matches the state DOT highway map and
the E911 address points.
(3) I've adjusted the road class (TIGER's 'residential' can mean
anything from a tertiary highway to a track!)
(4) I've created route relations if the road has a ref (and removed
the ref from the road's names!)

I don't do 'lanes' very often.  I do 'surface' if the road is
obviously not hard-surfaced (sometimes I can even see the ruts in
aerials), and I do traffic controls only when surveying in person,
which I always do afoot.

I'd like a way to indicate that an intersection is uncontrolled. I've
found myself returning on foot several times to the same intersection
to look for STOP signs that aren't there, because I can't remember
that I've checked it already.

The reason that I'm so lax is that in my part of the state, TIGER is
_horrible_ and mappers are scarce.  I chronically lack time to do very
much about it, although I've at least checked the above information
for all the unreviewed roads in my home county (barring some service
ways that I'm not sure I can access legally). I work intermittently on
a couple of neighbouring counties. There are a lot of service ways
'residential' ways in TIGER that are a mile or two off from the
correct alignment or are otherwise ridiculous. At this point, in my
area, 'tiger:reviewed=no' means 'beware: this road likely is entirely
hallucinatory' and I kill the tag once I've verified that the
information that TIGER provided is correct. The information that TIGER
didn't ordinarily provide, I can leave for others (possibly including

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