31 Aug 2020, 05:38 by stevea...@softworkers.com:

> On Aug 30, 2020, at 5:50 PM, Brian Stromberg <brian.stromb...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> I would argue that maps can only show the world as the mapmaker wants it to 
>> be shown, and OSM should probably not be encouraging people (in any way) to 
>> be visiting sites that are clearly marked as illegal to visit. This seems 
>> like a bad precedent to set. I would include the bunker but not mark it as 
>> tourism. People will find it if they want to, whatever OSM tags it as, so it 
>> doesn't seem necessary to participate/encourage in whatever degree of 
>> illegality the access entails.
> And here is where some disagree:  OSM does not "encourage."  OSM is data.  It 
> simply says "this is" and "these are."  OSM does not encourage people (in any 
> way) to visit a site or trespass.  It is a collection of data (of "what is") 
> expressed as a map.  Full stop.
At the same time we know that viewpoint
data can be used, is used and it's typical 
use is to display interesting locations
worth visiting.
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