On Wed, Sep 23, 2020 at 4:37 PM stevea <stevea...@softworkers.com> wrote:

> Paul Johnson <ba...@ursamundi.org> wrote:
> > Can we finally fix two other longstanding problems, then?
> >
> > 1. The wiki being incorrect about not counting bicycle lanes.  That's
> not reflective of how validators deal with lanes, how data consumers like
> Osmand or Magic Earth deal with lanes, or how ground truth works.  The
> whole "but you can't fit a motor vehicle down it" argument is facile,
> that's what access:lanes=* and width:lanes=* is for.
> If it truly is the wiki that needs fixing, I'm all for fixing the wiki
> here.  Is there some reason the relatively low bar of making a change to
> the wiki hasn't been done yet?

Proscriptivists end up changing it back and screaming that their word is
gospel, so everyone's just given up at this point.

> > 2. Tagging route information on ways.  It's about a decade too long at
> this point for ref=* on a way to be completely disconnected from the entity
> the tag applies to:  That's why route relations exist.  Biggest problem
> child on this at the moment:  OSM's own tilesets.  Let's drop rendering for
> ref=* on ways and just render the route relations already, this and
> multipolygons are why relations came to exist in the first place.
> Yes, 100% agreement.  I think this is simply pure inertia (the kind that
> says "broken process") on the part of renderers.
> Can anybody (renderer authors included, maybe even especially) are welcome
> to offer reasons why "the old machinery" remains in place?  Are there
> legacy use cases that remain unclear to the wider community?  Please tell
> us here, if so.
> While I still find murky and mysterious exactly "how" to effect change in
> renderers (who you gonna call?), my two best efforts along these lines are
> to "tag well" and "wiki well."  (And that can include a great deal of
> discussion and consensus building on its own, no doubt).  Eventually, (and
> I've discovered it can take years), renderers do catch up.

To be clear, I don't want to throw any humans under the bus on this, since
the Carto folks really do make an elegant style for Mapnik.  Though if this
is a Mapnik issue that's preventing this, maybe it's time to either fix
Mapnik or consider alternatives?
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