Hi All


I recently got involved in the OSM project as a by-product of my Geocaching
activities. I've subsequently spent hours uploading the archived tracks
(going back about a year) from my Oregon and learning how to use Potlatch
and more recently JOSM to add to the map. I stay in the Durbanville area,
and was quite surprised to find that many of the newer roads around us were
not on the map. I'm proud to say that some of them now are, with more to


Something that I noticed fairly quickly on my drive to work through the
Durbanville Winelands was that none of the many wine farms were mapped.
Looking further afield, I see that the same applies in Stellenbosch, Paarl,
the Robertson Valley and so on. As "doing the wine route" is a major tourist
activity in Cape Town, I feel that this omission needs to be rectified, and
have decided to make a start by mapping the wine farms around Durbanville.
Hopefully I can then have an excuse to visit even more in the future ;)


My problem is that I can't find a suitable tag to mark them with. I've
checked all the wiki sites I can think of, but the closest I can come up
with is amenity=winery and then adding the name, but this doesn't seem to
end up showing on the map. On other maps the wine tasting locations show up
with a small wine glass, but so far I haven't managed this. Can anyone offer
any advice. I'd also like to be able to add opening times. How would I go
about that?






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