Artem Pavlenko skrev:
> I didn't mean this was something new for the world, but that these 
> coastlines are new in the Mapnik layer.
> Sorry to have "lagged behind" so shamefully :)
> A.

You're forgiven - IF you promise to go out and log the location of not 
less than 20 pubs in your area, submit the data, and get them rendered 
on both the Mapnik and Osmarender layer, before the end of February. 
Extra points for sampling a beer at each pub. Extra-extra points for 
doing it all in one day.. ;)

If you need to justify this task to a significant other, just tell the 
S.O. that it is physical liver-training in preparation for SOTM08 (held 
in the Land of Guinness, and with lots of Brits attending - Prior 
liver-training strongly recommended).


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