On Wed, 2008-02-06 at 22:41 +0000, Jon Burgess wrote:
> I have switch the Mapnik layer over to use the new coastline shapefiles
> for zooms 10-18. These files are generated by extracting all the OSM
> ways with natural=coastline.
> In most places these shapefiles are far better then what we had before.
> A few places either have bad coastline data and may now appear to be
> flooded. You can get an overview of the data from:
> http://tile.openstreetmap.nl
> There was a brief period this evening where an error caused all tiles to
> be flooded. This is fixed now and these tiles should have been
> re-rendered. If you saw these bad tiles earlier you might need to
> refresh your browser to get rid of them.
> I need to thank everyone that has worked diligently on importing and
> fixing up the coastline data. A special mention should also go to
> Martijn van Oosterhout (kleptog) for developing the tools that have been
> essential to fix these coastlines and create the new shapefiles.

Thanks to all for working on this!  The River Clyde in Glasgow is almost
perfect now.  I say almost because there seems to be an issue between
Bridge Street/A77 and the A74:


I've just upgraded my system so i don't have JOSM running at the moment,
it would be great if someone could take a look and fix this.


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