J.D. Schmidt wrote:
> Again, look at the visualization of the data as a seperate entity - 
> related to, and an important part of OSM, but not the defining measure 
> of OSM.
> An example (graphic to fit my reputation ofcourse.. You have been duly 
> warned ;) ) :
> If I decided to map all the trees I have taking a leak up at on the way 
> home from drinking bouts the last couple of years, I can do so. I'll 
> just tag it with 
> <k="urinated_tree_were_the_leaves_has_become_yellow_brownish_in_colour" 
> v="200 ml used and processed beer"/>.
> I could even tag the same tree multiple times, depending on whether I 
> took the piss at the north, east, west, or south side of the tree. And I 
> could even use a different tagname such as 
> <k="Urinerede_Træer_som_har_blade_med_gul_brunlig_kulør" v="200 ml brugt 
> øl"> without any problems.
> This points out the wiki-like outlook on our DB. The tag and data has 
> only mildly interest for anybody else, but it might have real value for 
> me. I could be the type that tends to loose my keys everytime I take a 
> leak in toxicated condition, and now I have the possibilty to see where 
> I have been, and go look for them. Or maybe I'm making a map showing 
> which trees not to sit under during summer.
> Whatever the reason, it's geodata, and valid to go into the DB or the 
> 80GB of cryptic XML as you called it. It might be useless for anybody 
> else, but it wouldn't be to me. AND it could become usefull for someone 
> else later on (urologists researching maximum distance intoxicated 
> people can go between leaks, city planners looking for information on 
> best placement of public restrooms, etc, etc).
That would be a statistically very poor sample to base conclusions on, 
if you would be the only one doing that. If you want others to also 
start tagging trees that way, you're going to have to find some kind of 
agreement -> that's where map features comes in...


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