
> If I hand you over a list of 100 or so typo fixes like:  
> "highway=residentail to highway=residential" which (preferrably XML)  
> format would you prefer?

Hm, maybe one should think about something generic... at the moment
the easiest for me to process would be a line-based thing (CSV or so). 

> P.S: Maybe store this "typo fix list" in the svn, so we can jointly and  
> "controlled" improve / increase the number of typo fixes over time  
> without "inviting" newbies to change the whole world?

A line-based list would also lend itself better to cut&pasting in and
out of the wiki.

Maybe we should have two lists, one for key replacements:


and one for values:


Do we need to distinguish between "node", "way", and "relation" tags?

I suggest that you compile a list for Germany initially and run this
by the community on talk-de, and if they're all happy I can make the
changes, and from that we can then make suggestions for a planet-wide


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ##  N49°00.09' E008°23.33'

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